Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Imigration Camps

first of all the bathroom's are in the kitchen were everyone can see them no privacy in the detention center. using the bathroom while people are watching is unsanitary. the medical facilities take take so long just to treat people,and when they eventually do. there given mediocre health support. the cells that keep the imigrants are unsanitary dirty disgusting, no person should endure those type of dirty conditions. the solitary confidement a really small place were your placed olone. peaple can go crazy in there for so long. this game made me feel that the united states doesnt want imigrants. to the extent that they would place them in these unsanitary cold hard and unfriendly facilities were they endure all of this.


I would tell her that I couldnt do that. specifaclly because there would be lots of dangers to it. like for example I might forget abaut the nude pictures in a couple years but the computer still has it saved. that means anyone could just search me up and see my nude picture. another reason is that I dont know if my girfriend would show the nude pictures to anyone else. thats an embarisment, thats why you shouldnt ever try sexting, what you pit in the computer stays there forever.