Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

tranceformers revenge of the fallen

Transformers the best movie in history. I'm tipping about them for one reason because their awesome, the movie is all about alien robots who came to earth to find the allspark but since it was destroyed to defeat  megatron the leader of the decepticons so they were just sweeping up the rest of the decepticons but then some kind of new decepticon called demolisher came face with the autobot lets just say he wasn't some Little guy to pick on.When was brutally beaten up by the autobots he said to the autobot leader optimus prime the fallen shall rise again he was talking about the  foreigner the transformer to have came thousands of years ogo to activate his machine the harvester a machine that harvests the sun its a good thing it wasn't activated because him and megatrom got thrashed! Oh I forgot to mention megatron was revived with an alspark fragment by his loyal thugs, ever since he was revived he had a jet pack and transformed into a super cool tank a huge and tricked out one. He was working with his master the foreigner but was stooped by the powered up optimus prime who got powered up by the left over parts of  jet fire. Transformers revenge of the fallen is a great movie and you should definitely get it on DVD but I still wont forget the original cartoon that started it all. 

Monday, October 5, 2009

I drew this drawing because I wanted to practes drawing my character and trying out diferent design and I think this is the perfect sketch for a main character, Im really proud of this piece of art.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

my cafetiria

1. Is our cafeteria different? Our cafeteria is different from others because in our school the serve healthier foods like the homemade sandwiches and the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as well.

2. What do you eat for lunch?
I eat chicken, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,and sometimes sandwiches with our choice of what to have on it.

 3.Would you like to see more fresh and healthy foods in the cafeteria? If so, what?I would like to see more fresh food in the cafeteria but I think my school is doing a good job already. Not as good as I expect but good enough. an example of a fresh food is to not give students food that hasn't bin out so long that would be a nice change.